
I have undertaken numerous programming projects that span across data science, software engineering, mathematical modelling, and their intersections; I have actively tried to undertake a wide-variety of projects to develop a solid programming skill-set. Projects are listed in no particular order, but are separated into three categories: Oxford Physics Projects, Personal Projects, and Internship Projects. Where possible, source code is available on my GitHub profile.

Highlighted Projects:

Oxford Physics Projects

oxford physics labs

A series of physics-based data analysis projects carried out as Oxford Physics Lab work.

Projects include investigations into:

I received a practical commendation for “excellence of laboratory practical work”.

monitoring aerosols above clouds

This was my computational BA project on the influence of aerosols on the retrieval of cloud properties from satellite data (Python, FORTRAN, Azure). I added additional functionality to a Python wrapper for a radiative transfer package written in FORTRAN; I used the modified wrapper to estimate cloud properties with and without the presence of aerosols.

the drivers of peak warming

This is my Masters project where I am carrying out an integrated modelling of the climate and the economy. I have developed a novel iterative mathematical model of interactions between the climate and the economy (Python); I am exploring the impact of key assumptions in a benefit-cost maximisation approach to climate policy on the peak warming achieved and social cost of carbon (Jupyter Notebook). My project is being supervised by Professor Hannah Christensen, Professor Myles Allen, and Stuart Jenkins.

Personal Projects

jane street market prediction

This is a Kaggle competition, where I decided to apply deep learning techniques that I learnt through online resources. I built a neural network, with TensorFlow backend, that predicts whether a stock market trade should be executed from a set of anonymised features (Python, Keras, Pandas). I was awarded a bronze medal in the Kaggle competition.

“Det er svært at spå, især om fremtiden.”
(It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future)

Niels Bohr

talent tracker

This was a LawTech Hackathon at Barclays Eagle Labs, where my team developed a web application for trainee lawyers to manage workflow and develop emotional intelligence using natural language processing chatbot (HTML/CSS, Javascript, IBM Watson Assistant). We were awarded 2nd place at the Hackathon.

porfolio website

This website was created using GitHub pages with Jekyll.

Internship Projects

computational particle physics

In Summer 2019, I spent six weeks at the University of Birmingham as a Computational Particle Physics research intern. Here I simulated particle interactions in a spherical detector, using Monte Carlo methods, and statistically analysed experimental data (C++, Geant4, ROOT) and presented my findings to the research group on a weekly basis (LaTeX). I was supervised by Professor Kostas Nikolopoulos.

modelling the global fossil fuel supply chain network

In Summer 2020, I spent six weeks as a data science intern at the Oxford Martin School doing research regarding the Economics of Sustainability. Here I implemented cutting-edge community detection algorithms on the global fossil fuel supply chain modelled as a min-cost flow network (Python, C++, GeoPandas).

serverless slack app for onboarding

In Summer 2021, I spent two months as a Junior Consultant at Good Machine Ltd working with the ‘client’ of TNG Technology Consulting GmbH. Here I designed and implemented a serverless Slack application to improve the onboarding experience for new employees with interactive questions (Python, AWS CDK). This included the administration of a NoSQL database for storing user information, permissions, questions, and results (DynamoDB).

ai slides

In Autumn 2022, I spent two months as a software engineering intern at the TNG Technology Consulting GmbH. Here I Incorporated NLP transformer models, to generate text and images, into a ‘PowerPoint Ghostwriter’ that uses AI to compose and deliver a presentation on a given topic (JavaScript, GPT-3, DALL·E 2). In addition, I helped develop a web application using Svelte to facilitate interacting with the ‘PowerPoint Ghostwriter’ (HTML, CSS).